The child who enters our kindergarten gains the unique opportunity to learn in a specially prepared environment, to choose the materials with which it will work at its own pace and in accordance with its individual needs or the enthusiasm to learn a given skill or element at this specific stage of its development.
The teacher helps the child satisfy its curiosity, stimulates cognitive activity and moderates the learning process.
In Montessori pedagogy, a child’s freedom implies inner discipline, the ability to make responsible choices. Such discipline is more effective than the one imposed by adults. We help the children build up their self-esteem, mental strength and the ability to cope with challenging situations.
We constantly stimulate the child to discover the world. Therefore in practice everything that surrounds the kindergarten kid can become a tool of education.
Our educational aids allow the child to control its own work, to analyse and assess its results.
We introduce the children to the real world. They use real knives, pour water into glass containers or groats into pots; they zip and unzip their jackets, tie their shoelaces, learn to listen intently to silence, keep their things and the classroom in order, bake cakes, pickle cucumbers and sauerkraut.
Our kindergarten groups bring together children of different ages, and the syllabuses are adjusted to their different needs and possibilities.