The No Bell crèche is an alternative to traditional small child day care. Instead of trying to make our groups uniform, we focus on recognising the unique individual qualities in each child.


“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.”

Mark van Doren

At No Bell we let children discover new things and ideas by themselves. We appreciate and take advantage of the receptivity of their minds, their ability to quickly master new skills. Our crèche is a small intimate community, in which close positive individual relations with the carers are born. Our kindergarten is on the same premises, which guarantees natural passage from this to the next stage of education.

The pedagogy of Maria Montessori is the foundation of our classes, but we also draw on other ideas (such as a preschool fundamental play syllabus) as long as they agree with our overall concept of education. We offer E.E. Gordon music aptitude training and – for all those interested – also Doman-method-global reading.


“Parents want responsible children who cope well in the society. But social skills cannot be learned at classes based on compulsion and obedience”

Jasper Jull

At No Bell, we follow the kid’s natural development rhythm and its right to independence. Our philosophy is to assist in the process of the development of the kinds in our charge, to release their natural potential and kindle in the kids interest in the world around them.

At the No Bell crèche, the child can be active and develop in harmony with its individual possibilities.

We are convinced that the child’s natural predispositions, receptive mind, self-generated fascination with all new phenomena (the so-called sensitive phase) constitute an excellent basis for a sound and independent child development. Our educational aids provide genuine support for the formation of the child’s character and intelligence.


“The mind cannot absorb everything, so uninteresting, monotonous activities will soon be forgotten”

Lana Ellison

The varied games and activities at our crèche support and stimulate the child’s natural harmonious development, including speech, visual perception training, and an early reading syllabus for those who exhibit interest in such skills.

We focus on the child’s growing self-reliance and its ability to collaborate with peers, find its place in the peer group. We stimulate cognitive, emotional, motor development, creative thinking and cognitive motivation.


“Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves together”

Thomas Carlyle

We follow Maria Montessori in attaching great importance to silence training at our crèche, to activities that calm the child down and help it focus.

These unique “lessons of silence” are an introduction to concentration training.

We let the child get absorbed in the activities they perform. Our games and classes help them effectively observe and perceive the world around them, which leads to more organised forms of involvement in that world. These activities are a form of preliminary attention training.


“Music (Tonsprache) is the beginning and end of language (Wortsprache).”

Ryszard Wagner

Music, as we all know, has charms to soothe the savage breast. It is not always remembered, however, that it also has extremely significant impact on the human psyche and the whole organism. Music therapy is a very important element of our crèche-level education. We apply E.E. Gordon music learning methodology to develop the auditory skills of our children.

Music therapy not only develops artistic predispositions, but also teaches to listen, to associate words with sounds – which is essential in the process of language learning.


“Do not let a single day of your life to pass without looking at an exquisite work of art, listening to a magnificent piece of music, and reading some part of a wonderful book”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

At the No Bell crèche, toys made of natural components and Montessori educational aids take pride of place as key tools stimulating the child’s cognitive processes and facilitating the development of motor and observation skills.

There are carefully selected books to be found on our shelves. They attract attention not only with their contents, but also with beautiful graphics. On the walls one can see reproductions of major paintings. All this shapes the aesthetic sense in children from the very start.