Is education through homework useful and effective? We claim that it isn’t! School classes are a time for experimentation, experience, for individual discoveries.
We have checked – and now we already know – that the “motivation kit” consisting of a blackboard, chalk and school desks is not really needed. Maths can be learnt by doing shopping and measuring smiles. Boring school compositions can be replaced with creative script writing for movies that the kids will then shoot by themselves. In place of course books we offer personal experience, and routine is replaced by original authorial syllabuses.
Making mistakes does not mean that we are losers. They are just a necessary stage in our strife for self-fulfilment.
A class is not just a collection of kids grouped by age. It is a team that creates joint projects, takes up challenging tasks and – most importantly – learns from one another. The break is not only a period of rest, but also – the time to make true friends and the time when the best ideas are frequently born. Kids know well how to signal to use what, where and when they need. Our role is simply to learn to read those signals properly.