What counts at No Bell is not just “dry facts”, but also – what kind of person you are or can become, how you can find your own way to a personal version of success.
Putting one’s emotions in order so that they work smoothly is our main focus and key educational aim.
Everyone brings along to our classes (not only to the obligatory EI – emotional intelligence classes) their own elements of this puzzle. Each day the puzzle pieces are different. At times they include a big smile, and at others – a frown, tears, or just silence. We need to put these pieces together into a working whole.
They learn to overcome obstacles, work together and on their own – just as in adult life.
We are thus learning to understand our emotions, desires and dreams.
Each of us develops their own personal guide to their feelings. Together, though, we can do it more easily and efficiently, and it is certainly more fun.
Working in a group, students share their ideas, also argue at times.
We learn respect, openness and dialogue from our own behaviour. The teachers’ room at No Bell is not a fortified castle. It is a place where pupils can always seek help and find an attentive ear. Teachers are not here to scold and demand, but to respect and understand, to see students as partners in a joint project.
Thanks to this approach, the world outside the window no longer terrifies our students. It contains nothing that they would not be prepared for by their school.